On measuring good design
It’s close to impossible to measure good, testable design, but over the years two interesting metrics settled in my mind that are a fairly good indication of the presence of clear, explicit code that speaks the domain:
»It’s close to impossible to measure good, testable design, but over the years two interesting metrics settled in my mind that are a fairly good indication of the presence of clear, explicit code that speaks the domain:
»that “pressure from product and business made us produce this mess in the code” I need to see how tight your feedback loops are.
»Some of the things I think about when asked how to influence change in teams/orgs as a Principal/Staff engineer:
than working on an isolated, long-lived feature branch, with a delayed review, integration feedback, and a lack of tests.
»If you halve the change size, your deployment frequency goes up twice, and now in order to keep the same change failure rate % as before you have to have twice as many failures per change.
»Automated tests as a safety net are most valuable in codebases with high risk when making a change. Those are conflated, coupled codebases where: 1) the average rate of change per element (method/class) is high and 2) the risk of introducing problems with a change is high (too much coupling). The latter is a consequence of the former, and codebases with long methods and classes inherently exhibit these characteristics.
»by intentionally not adding integration tests.
»the idea of a person with the highest positional power usually wins.
»A: “Teams doing XP produce tremendously fewer bugs and have way less rework compared to traditional teams you mostly see in our industry” B: “That’s great, but at what cost?”
»“pair/mob programming cannot substitute PR code review process. We still need a fresh pair of eyes to look at the changes” I’d have a million € now.