The amount of mobbing during development
tends to be inversely proportional to the amount of mobbing needed during outages.
»tends to be inversely proportional to the amount of mobbing needed during outages.
»More collaboration dilutes roles, siloed skills, heroes culture, and variance in engagement.
»Big Batches™ embed:
It’s not about:
An example is of transaction cost is how long it takes us to get enough confidence that our change didn’t break previous functionality.
»an indication of a lack of mechanism to reduce the transaction cost.
»I cannot have a fast feedback if I don’t have small batches.
But, I could have a slow feedback even if I have small batches.
That’s the case when WIP is too high, which causes queueing in the system, which then delays the feedback.
So, here’s the thing.
»I’m aware that many people like async way of working, which usually comes with remote work, but it’s actually causing your company’s WIP to skyrocket.
»The problem, which is often overlooked, with not slicing the work is incurring all the opportunity cost of not doing something else more valuable while working on the less valuable parts and thus missing a chance to increase the throughput of the value.