Organizations that end up executing themselves

I have a feeling that decision making in organizations in which everyone is so busy that they have no time to build relationships with other people in the company and talk about the topics that are not related to the task at hand will necessarily grind to a halt.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Because the cost of code review when pair/mob programming is zero

Because the cost of code review when pairing/mobbing is literally zero (reviewer immediately available next to a developer typing the code), it is more likely to both:

  • get the feedback in a timely manner (as you type the code) and
  • get very rich feedback (which tends to be the case because it’s verbal and immediate, in context)
Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Collaborative culture will not happen

simply by encouraging people to collaborate more.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

It is more likely that

you’ll do Continuous Integration with centralized (e.g. Subversion) than with a distributed versioning control system (e.g. Git).

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Mob programming = andon cord

#mobprogramming is actually an implementation of the “Andon Cord” principle from Lean.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Continuous Integration is

a practice of minimizing inventory of unintegrated code.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

It's interesting to see

that most of the industry is aware that high utilization chokes the flow of a team, but at the same time often fail to recognize that pairing and mobbing provide that needed availability, enabling fast flow out of the box.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Do you know that code reviews with Pair/Mob Programming are virtually free?

An abundance of those is what builds the quality in.
Not a staged and expensive, khm Pull Requests khm, process.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Individual interventions in the system do not help

Systems with high transaction cost will always revert back to big batches no matter how much we try to encourage individual actors to reduce the size of the batch.
Actors act rationally within a given set of constraints imposed by the system, so the intervention point must be at the system level, not on the individual level.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

XP practices to rule the flow

Building quality in and fast flow cannot happen without short feedback loops.
And prerequisites for short feedback loops are high flow efficiency and low inventory.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović