I don't really mind PRs
As long as they are 1 LoC big and reviewed immediately.
»As long as they are 1 LoC big and reviewed immediately.
»The more you mob and work as a team, the less you need Slack to communicate and synchronize.
The more you mob and work as a team, the less you need Github to review each other’s work.
functional decomposition of the system is suboptimal which is causing services to be overly chatty.
»The longer it takes me to test/check a change ->
»and a corresponding role is likely an indicator of a process focused on utilization (busyness) instead of flow (eliminating queues and wait times).
»Two super simple examples, achieving the same thing.
»in order to improve it, the second best thing that feels natural to do is to improve what we can measure.
»Not sure how much it’s known, but Jeff Bezos is a huge fan of the Theory of Constraints. Such a big fan that ‘The Goal’ from Eli Goldratt is one of the 3 must-read books he gives out to all senior executives joining Amazon.
»I’m able to experiment with the production code.
»because they like them better than smaller changes.