A couple of tips on rotation times in a pair/mob

I often hear: “5 min rotation doesn’t seem enough, I think 10 min would be more appropriate”.

A couple of tips on rotation times in a pair/mob:

Shorter rotation cycles help you with uncovering friction with switching. If it takes you long enough to switch, you’ll be inclined to extend the rotation cycle and rotate less often.

There’s a better intervention than that.

Think, instead, how you can reduce switching costs, which, as a byproduct, would enable shorter rotation times.

If you’re making big changes, it’s less likely you’ll be able to make it within a rotation, so you’ll be inclined to extend the rotation cycle and rotate less often.

There’s a better intervention than that.

Think, instead, how you can make a given change in smaller steps, where each of those steps is deployable to production. As a byproduct, that would enable shorter rotation times.

The pain causing you to consider extending the rotation cycle is very likely pointing to an existence of a deeper problem. Solve that one instead.
[this is general advice for any technique involving timeboxing]