Expressive domain as incremental refactoring enabler
Being expressive about the domain doesn’t only improve readability, but also reduces coupling, which in turn enables incremental refactoring.
So, expressive domain -> reduces coupling -> enables incremental refactoring.
To quote Brian Marick: “An example would be handy right about now”.
A snippet from Game of Life kata:
3 methods have the same body, but that single line of code is used to communicate 3 different outcomes and meaning in a given (client) context.
As a bonus effect of being explicit about that, it enabled independent changeability of the methods and thus ability to refactor in small steps. And believe it or not I did have a need to change them independently while refactoring (e.g. from static to non-static).
Had I used just the single, implicit, response (that single line of code) in all contexts, I wouldn’t be able to change the method without affecting all of the clients, plus would leave out bunch of domain knowledge and meaning.