WIP drops as a side effect of focusing on minimizing the length of feedback loops

Instant feedback loop guarantees that participating actors won’t have time to start anything else while waiting for response/feedback.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

You most probably don't have a problem with mocks

but a feature envied, tightly coupled, Asking instead of Telling production code.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Maybe the reason you have a too big team

is that you have too many specializations.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Just-in-time moment for exponential scenarios

is when it looks like it’s too soon.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

The cost of delayed feedback

(via associated rework) on two things running in parallel is more expensive than the questionable progress being made on those two.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Async way of working

reduces the cost of starting something new (the other side doesn’t have to be available) which eventually kills the ability to finish anything.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

The key to building the quality in is to make making changes very cheap

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

If you deploy often and break things too often

the countermeasure is not to deploy less often in order to not break things too often (spoiler: makes things even worse) but to build in mechanisms/practices that enable you to keep deploying often while breaking things way less often.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Async work is killing your company's throughput

The problem with any async system and way of working is that it makes it very cheap to start the work (pull it in the system).

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Big Batches™ are a soap opera and a drama

They are a big bet and high risk.
You can feel ecstatic, or you can feel a huge disappointment.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović