An environment where people have no ways of exercising vulnerability

in the first place is an environment without psychological safety.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

For any type of async work, I can always find you a batch size

small enough for which the flow efficiency is terrible.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Two parallel universes

When it comes to PRs and code reviews, if you are optimizing for these metrics in order to improved the process (and I believe you should)

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Enable then nudge

If you reduce the transaction cost in the system but don’t see a follow-through behavior of reducing the batch size, consider ways of, even artificially, increasing the holding cost in order to incentivize that batch size reduction.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Separate refactoring tasks and PRs

I noticed that teams that use a process that makes reviews expensive (PRs and async code reviews are one of those) also tend to have refactoring as a separate task or a separate PR.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

A very different set of questions get asked

when people have a chance to get immediate answers compared to when there’s a delay involved. And the difference are the questions that enable curiosity, building relationships, and trust.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

Using Dummy objects in tests is a sign of low cohesion in production code

Over the years, I came to realize that usage of some test doubles and popular patterns in test code can actually be an indication of a deeper design problem in production code.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

If you don't feel the pain of delayed feedback with async code reviews

chances are you’re used to making big changes.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

It's about the mindset, not the tool!

Sure, until you realize that the tool is influencing the mindset as much as the mindset is influencing the choice of the tool.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović

One alternative to using estimates for prioritizing work

is to invest in making experimenting and trying out ideas cheaper in order to sooner bring relevant data that can inform our decisions and reduce uncertainty as to what to prioritize and where to invest.

Author's profile picture Dragan Stepanović